A day in the life of a Cross Street Academy student
1. Prepare for class
Get on your PC or laptop a few minutes before your first class is scheduled and visit CrossStreetAcademy.com
From there you will click the login button to access your customized dashboard which will contain your schedule for the day along with links to each of your assigned live classes.
2. Participate in Lectures
A couple minutes before your first class starts you click the link to that first course and you will join the shared live classroom*. Classes typically last 40 minutes. During the class you will be able to interact with the teacher and other students.
Once your first class is finished the teacher will end the session and you will have a small break. Then you can click on your second class link in your dashboard in the same manner as joining your first class.
You will repeat this process for classes 3-5 of your day with a longer break between classes 3 and 4 so you have a chance to eat lunch or just relax.
3. Continue with ONLINE resources
Once your final class has finished for the day (typically in the early afternoon), you now have a couple of options for further learning if desired. Your accompanying online curriculum will have lessons with practice sets and quizzes that correspond to the teaching in your live classes. There is also an additional live help session once per week for each class that you can join if desired for extra help from your teacher. A link to each help session with times for each will be found on your dashboard.
Example Schedule
10:15 - 10:55 MATH
11:05 - 11:45 BIBLE
11:55 - 12:35 ENGLISH
1:05 - 1:45 SCIENCE
1:55 - 2:35 HISTORY
* All videos from the classes will be available for on demand viewing. If you need flexibility or you want to revisit a topic from the live class, you will have access to the entire video library for viewing at any time.
Sample Class video. Note this does not show the interaction that happens with students